MadHatter Calls began in ‘02 after making a few calls for friends and family. Receiving high praise from the likes of well known call makers such as Craig “Cornbread” Corbett, Rick Powell, Kelly Rose, Jack Scott, Jackie Strickland, Charlie Trotter, and Jerry “Dad” White, and others only fueled the fire. To have such talented men think highly of something I swiped from that to make this was inspiring, as I began making calls with unique centerpieces. Each meaning something special to the future owner of the call. Eventually, I had a medallion with cut-outs made for the center of my calls. This allows the sound to resonate from the center of the call and brings consistency in sound. Going full bore in 2005, as of Jan. 2023, I’ve sold well over three thousand calls and have 1,358 success stories from my treasured friends of MadHatter Calls. Thanks for your consideration in puttin’ a MadHatter Track Player Turkey Call to the test in calling in the most elusive gamebird on earth, the wild turkey.
Madhatter Calls is a satisfaction guaranteed small business that prides itself on results. Through respect for the outdoors and passing along tradition, we hope you find a lifetime of memories out in the turkey woods.
p: 770-842-4161