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2.5 Inch Putt & Purr Player,  Slate over Glass, in Black Limba

2.5 Inch Putt & Purr Player, Slate over Glass, in Black Limba

A rare caller these days is the original Putt and Purr player, the predecessor to the Pocket Player. I just couldn't send this little blank to the fire bucket so I made one. Doesn't have the yelp a pocket player has but can be deadly with the quiet contentment type talk. Think of the sound a Lynch Jet Slate produces and you'll know what I'm speaking of. Great early morning talker or one for late season when the hens have started sitting.  85.00 shipped with two strikers and logo embossed leather pouch. 


Feel free to call 770-842-4161 to give 'er a listen, purchase, or just talk turkey. Many thanks.



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